Gardening in Africa, continued...
In a stroke of good luck absolutely not of our doing, we acquired one of the biggest yards in our capital city, a gorgeous 2 1/2 acre plot. The yard must have been owned by a drunken horticulturist at one time, because it's full of fruit trees, exotic plants, and hundreds of broken alcohol bottles. The perfect place to rehabilitate with a little TLC.
Meet our gardener, Shoman: Terrible at English, obsessed with over-watering every plant until the borehole dries up, terrific with Jonas, obsessed with over-watering every plant until the borehole dries up, always smiling, obsessed with over-watering every plant until the borehole dries up, prone to re-planting the same plant in twelve different places until it shrivels up and he blames it on a lack of water. Shoman and his wife live in our cottage behind our house, where they live with their two boys Alista, a bouncy 2 year old nicknamed Lilly (even after five months we still cannot convince Jonas that Lilly is actually a boy), and Shown, who is five.
Shoman had half a shovel and a machete.
But he was ready to work. Five months later, we joke with him that he is no longer a gardener; we have turned him into a farmer. With a few additional tools, a few seeds, and an overworked garden hose, Shoman has helped us to slowly rehab an empty, dumped upon half acre in back that has become the perfect location for a large garden.
To read more about how we use bamboo in our garden, check out this link:
Though Jonas was obsessed with gardening before we moved, in Africa he can't get enough. Poor Shoman is stalked wherever he goes...