Tuesday, January 13, 2015

A Weight Off My Shoulders

I pretty much have something ridiculous to admit every day of my life. Today I have something weird, bizarre, and maybe just a teeny bit disturbing.  I have been carrying the inside of a toilet paper roll around with me since Africa.

Yes, yes, I know.  Eight months.  Three continents.  My husband likes to remind me, too.

I have a weird habit of writing down random thoughts and notes on whatever strange writable item I can find on a moment's notice. In my last days of Zim, as I zipped all over town wrapping up odds and ends of my African life, the bus names I collected ever since arriving never went unnoticed.  Until the day I left, new fun and festive ones were always showing up thanks to some fabulous African entrepreneur's creativity.  I'm only sorry I didn't get pictures of any of these. Here are the last of my bus names, which I admit are written on a toilet paper roll I would really like to get rid of before continent number four....

Not Guilty

Singing the Song


Cherry Car

Fab Fab

A Weight Off My Shoulders

Commander Joe

Chocolate Tastes Better

So I Get Lost

It Tasted Fine

Zebra Adventures

It's Okay

Good Medicine

Finally letting go of the toilet paper roll?  Priceless.