Monday, May 26, 2014

Pavlova, Please

So for those of you reading this blog from a place with British ties, you will think this is old hat.  But I have to introduce my American friends to this amazing food that I have discovered only since moving to Africa.  It is not hard to see that merengue is everywhere in my country, found on grocery shelves in a number of colors and shapes as a clear sign of my country's previous colonial ties.  (For those of you Americans that -like me- think this sounds weird, let me clarify that we are not talking about the type of merengue found on top of a lemon-merengue pie, but rather a cooked, crunchy piece of heaven that dissolves like sugar in the mouth.)  And the best use for this merengue?  A beautiful thing called a pavlova... A slice of merengue on the bottom is covered with whipped cream or a granadilla/lemon curd mixture, then topped with fresh fruit.  I just can 't say no...