Wednesday, April 30, 2014


Jonas eyeballs the homeless outside of the Zambia/Zim immigration office.

I was always shocked when I saw Africans roll their eyes about monkeys. 

Monkeys?  Those cute little smarties, so quintessential to my utopian Africa?  Surely they were nothing but sweet little Curious Georges.

But now I know.

Zim is home to three kinds of monkeys: baboons (technically not monkeys, but for this argument they are), samango, and vervets.  VERVETS.  God’s joke on humanity. 

My last twenty encounters with monkeys have not gone so well… There were the vervets that pooped in my bathroom sink with a bag of chips. And vervets that left their feces next to our empty bag of eaten cookies on the dining room floor.  And vervets that pooped while ripping through a bag of cabbage four seconds after I set it down.  When it comes to these anything-but-cuties, feces and food go hand in hand.  Literally.

Do not be fooled.  Africa is full of monkeys.  But not a sweet one exists on the entire continent.


Jonas, sitting next to friend Lucy 
As Jonas described it later to Kurt"A monkey stole my hamburger in Zambia!"  
I reported it to the waiter, and when he went away, I thought he was going to
bring Jonas another burger.
Instead he brought Jonas a slingshot made with rubberbands and a wrench...

I am told this is the only way to deal with vervets... 
apparently I need to make my own!