Thursday, October 25, 2012

UN Day

I am a sentimental  sap on a regular basis, but seriously.  It was moving.

Kurt's school celebrated the 65 countries its students reign from in fine fashion last week, with an afternoon of performances, songs and dance, a flag parade, and 40+ tables of food from all over the world.  It was more than enough to feed the 400+ people in attendance.  

Here students line up to present their countries flags and give a greeting on stage in their native language.

The student from each country who has attended the school the longest gets to carry the flag- an exciting honor for these guys!

Flags and more flags

Here the sister school of HIS visits from a local village to put on the most fun of dance displays. The eleventh graders at HIS do frequent community service projects at the sister school and do fundraising for books and equipment to be used there.

European and Indian tables above... My favorites were here, but Jonas's favorite foods were sausages from the South African tables... he may have eaten nine of them...seriously.

Kurt (on drums) and three of his coworkers were (happily) roped into playing two songs during the entertainment afterward... One of their students wrote a song for the occasion, which the teachers helped him to edit in preparation for their performance.  The student introduced them lightheartedly as"Africa's newest boy band!"  The second song they played was "A Little Help From My Friends" by the Beatles.

Tried for over a day to upload the video, to no avail... my technology headache of the week!

Husband Kurt on drums

Though Kurt used to drum all the time in Iowa and NYC, he has not gotten the opportunity during Jonas' lifetime.  Jonas (left) was tickled to watch.